INFO Day Rhinluch: Liveable discussions on a level playing field

With the aim of promoting knowledge transfer in the German case study region Upper Rhinluch, the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and agrathaer Ltd. invited regional stakeholders at the 30th of November 2017 to the Information Day “Innovations and chances for success in sustainable intensification and fens management” to Paulinenaue, Brandenburg.

More than 30 participants from agricultural practice, administration, environmental protection and nature conservation organizations and science took the opportunity to inform themselves about the latest project results from the EU-project VITAL and other research projects (PROVIDE, Q2GRAS). Participants and scientists discussed promising concepts for sustainable intensification of land use, e.g. opportunities for direct marketing, and established new informal cooperations. In a scenario development exercise, the potential futures of the Rhinluch region were drafted by the participants. However, the main interest lay in the agri-environmental measure “Moorschonende Stauhaltung” (peatland management) and its implementation and combination with other governance mechanisms. It was presented alongside information on the EU funding program European Innovation Partnership (EIP) and the fens management option “paludiculture” (reed cultivation) at the “Market of Opportunities”.

The Information Day left much room for open dialogues and constructive exchanges, which were gladly accepted by the participants.


Information Day in Germany – Innovations and chances for success in sustainable intensification and fens management

We would like to invite farmers and interested stakeholders to our Information Day on “Innovations and chances for success in sustainable intensification and fens management” in Brandenburg, Germany. The event takes place on Thursday, 30th November 2017 from 1-5 pm (Jugendhaus Paulinenaue, Professor-Mitscherlich-Allee 1,14641 Paulinenaue). In a cozy atmosphere, we would like to present and discuss our project and research activities of the past year, in particular the results of a farmers survey in northern German lowland areas. For more information see invitation and program (In German language) attached or contact Katharina Schmidt (

1_Einladung _Info-Tag Moorbewirtschaftung

2_Programm_Info-Tag Moorbewirtschaftung

Stakeholder workshops in Spain and France

Many thanks also to all the participants of our stakeholder workshop in the Spanish case study region for their valuable inputs!

The workshop took place on the Protected Designation of Origin Utiel-Requena (Valencia) on 2 February 2017.


On 10 February 2017 our next stakeholder workshop will take place in Avignon for the French case study region Vaucluse.

[French version]

Le prochaine atelier de discussion avec les acteurs aura lieu le 10 Février 2017 à Avignon pour le cas d’étude du département de Vaucluse (invitation).

Si vous êtes intéressés à participer, SVP de contacter Marta Debolini.


téléphone: +33 (0)4 32 72 23 86

Stakeholder workshop in the Netherlands

Many thanks to all the participants of our stakeholder workshop in the Dutch case study region for their valuable inputs!

The workshop took place in the Kromme Rijngebied near the city of Utrecht on 14 December 2016.

First stakeholder workshop in Germany

[German version below]

On 17 November 2016 our first stakeholder workshop will take place in the German case study region Rhinluch, Northwest of Berlin. The workshop aims to initiate the stakeholder process, to get insights into the regional situation and to validate our preliminary analytical framework (WP1) and stakeholder maps (WP2).

Bald findet unsere erste Diskussionsveranstaltung (s. Einladung) für das deutsche Fallstudiengebiet, den Rhinluch, statt. Wir freuen uns auf einen Austausch mit verschiedenen Akteuren zum Thema “Entwicklungsstrategien einer standortangepassten Landnutzung im Oberen Rhinluch”.

Wann:   Donnerstag, der 17. November 2016, von 13:15 – 17:00 Uhr

Wo:       Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V., Gutshof 7, 14641 Paulinenaue

Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, an der Veranstaltung teilzunehmen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte bis zum 11. November 2016 mit. Für nähere Informationen oder eine Anmeldung kontaktieren Sie bitte Ingo Zasada.


Tel.:       (033432) 82-152